Part 13: Update XI - Goondalf the G(houlish)
Part XI - Goondalf the G(houlish)
(There will be new music once we start exploring the catacombs, don't worry.)
Okay, let’s try that again! Exploring the Inner Bailey some more, there’s a nice inn/barracks in the northeast.

Well, someone’s confident!

Sure. We’ll go with “timeless.”

Tristan: I’m afraid I don’t catch your meaning, sir.

Tristan: ...Well, your accomplishments have been impressive thus far. As time passes, your popularity will grow, as will your accomplishments, as will the soldiers’ and commanding officers’ respect for you. I know this. In fact, I’ve already started writing…


Tristan: What you wish to know is how I was torn from the great Bardic College to serve as a common soldier in the keep of Avalon, right?

Tristan: You’re… A perceptive person, sir. [He sighs.] I’ve been worrying about a friend of mine for a couple of days now. He was part of an expedition sent to the ruins beneath Avalon, and I’ve not heard from him since. In fact, no one’s heard anything from the party yet. I fear the worst, but… I have to be sure. I’ve heard a rumor that you’re to be selected to investigate the party’s disappearance…

Tristan: My friend had a signet ring he would never be without… I’m sure you can identify him… or his remains by it. It’s got a fox’s head on it. What I’d like you to do is bring me the ring… So I can be sure… I mean, if you can’t find it, I can still hold out some hope that he may still be alive. But… I have a feeling I’ll never trade stories and share thoughts with him again. I… I just need to know for sure.

Tristan: Thank you very much, sir. It would really set my heart at ease to know for sure…

It’s the least we can do for our own personal bard!
Oh hey, a gazebo.

Times is tough, even for the rich and beautiful.
Oh hell yeah, there’s a tavern here too. The Inner Bailey rules.

Goon status: re-secured.

Adaela: To each his own, I suppose. There’s no accounting for taste.

Alright, who else can we embarrass ourselves talking to.

Gentza: Oh, this room is largely unused. I suppose when the reinforcements arrive, the higher-ups’ll decide it needs to be used for something, but for the time being, me and the missus… Well, she’s not MY missus, but… Anyway, we turned it into a sort of a refuge. Since we don’t have anything resembling a bar around here, we’ve got to make do somehow!

Orvyn: But we get along great! We may still make jokes about our kingdoms, but… oh.

Orvyn: Oh, ah… s’pose you’re right, sir. You’re smarter than you look.


Orvyn: Ah heard the other day from mah psychic friend that we’re all going on a long voyage.

Orvyn: Ah’m not sure she’d like to get involved that-a-way, but ah’ll surely ask.

The door to the south there leads back to the Outer Keep.

Let’s see what’s going on over there.

Oh okay. Traitor confirmed.
There actually isn’t anything new in the areas we’ve previously been to yet. Just wanted to show that guy being a jerk.
For now, we head back to the Inner Keep to check out its basement.

Olni: You’ve heard the voices?

Olni: No, voices! Up here in this level, it’s voices we hear. Whispering our names, mostly, sometimes laughing.

Olni: Somehow, I knew you wouldn’t understand.

Well, okay then.

Permission, eh? There are also some chests down here. Mostly crap, except for these:

And also a… fancy room?

Shoulder pads.
So, the door to the back has a hidden room where we can find the “companion” Felious mentioned. Also happens to be the best character in the game.

Yep, Bones is Chapter Two’s Mage trainer. While Phelic’s Apprentice has Aura of Iron, he doesn’t always have enough mana to cast it on everyone, so we pick it up for ourselves as well. With that, we will have to come back for the rest later, as that brings us down to only 9 TP.

Anyway, the basement is fully explored, except for that door we can’t get past that leads into the caves. As I took stock of whether or not I had everything for the expedition, I realized there was something I missed in the Inner Bailey.

There’s no way to rotate the camera, so this chest is impossible to find unless we’re either insanely dedicated, or using a guide. I found it a grand total of one time out of the half a dozen I played through this game without a guide.

These bonuses are kinda nuts. This is also exactly what I was looking for before busting out the Giant’s Pauldrons, so I take the opportunity to sort out the equipment of Goondalf and his party.

Doubling Phelic’s Apprentice up on both pants and tabards, because why not? Also giving him the Mystic Claw.

Wyatt gets a bunch of armor and spare rings to make him a little more durable, should he be noticed.
And Goondalf… Goondalf is now an Armor Wizard.

Now, wearing that and having Aura of Iron up, we have 68-74% resistance to all physical damage. Gonna need it too, since with this party setup, Goondalf is going to have to do the tanking.

Not too shabby. Let’s show it off!

It’s already a big hit with the ladies.

Our outfit also rivals this potential traitor’s now, so let’s see what he thinks.

Neese: Oh, I know what you think I’m missing, and I’m not missing it at all. What I miss is the cook back at our estates… He could bake the best—

Neese: Of course I know! [flustered appearance] I’ve been with… I… I know…

Neese: Nor I you. [smile]

We actually get Training Points for that harangue. Just two, but we'll take 'em. ‘Kay.
Now we need to see what the knights think of our outfit.

Sir Ither: [He lowers his voice.] That’s actually the reason I wanted to speak with you. I’m sure you’re aware that there are traitors in our midsts; from what I hear, you’ve had a hand in disposing some of them yourself. As hard as it is for me to admit it, I believe one of my fellows is a traitor.

Sir Ither: [He sighs melodramatically.] It pains me to say it, but… I believe good Sir Osla has fallen… He received a letter that he guards jealously… I wouldn’t be surprised if it was shut up deep in his footlocker, but… I believe it’s a message from the outside… From the enemy. I don’t know what he has planned, but whatever the reason, the letter has him on edge.

Sir Ither: If you can recover the letter and bring it to me, I shall seek a private audience with our king and expose Osla, if the letter’s what I think it is. Will you help me with this.

I knew it!

Oh yeah, it’s that guy who was a jerk to us too. Why are the traitors always assholes!?

Sir Osla: Leave me alone to my thoughts! Go back from whence you came, fiend, or I shall be forced to run you through!
Bring it punk.

Let’s go back and see what Ither has to say.

Sir Ither: That’s not my problem, kid. Be more persuasive with your pen or your sword.

Well damn.

Sir Osla: Oh, so you know the truth… [He sighs.] I would ha—

Sir Osla: You’re acting very strangely, kid… Just read the letter. It should answer all your questions.

Sir Osla: (The letter is actually a communique from Ovoron the traitor to Ither. It contains orders.) So now you understand.

Sir Osla: Thanks, kid. I knew I could trust you.

King Ryence: Yes? What happened? Do you have the letter? What of Sirs Osla and Ither?

King Ryence: [He takes the letter from you and reads it slowly.] You have acted thoughtfully and quickly in this matter and I applaud your efforts. Ither shall be dealt with. Guards! Have Sir Ither arrested immediately on charges of treason! You are dismissed, son. You have done me a great service, and I shall not forget it.

Now we get a nice chunk of TP to buy more Mage stuff with, we make a better impression on the king, and Sir Ither is just… gone.


Yes, we do already know this. Multiple people have told us about the caves and tunnels. I just like this guy’s name.


-rate, we leave within the hour, so I must get ready. I’ll write more when I get back.

-Sha’ahoul conflict. Taberland knights, fearing civil war in their own country, left the Sha’ahoul front, believing that conflict over. Their decision cost the Seven Kingdoms dearly.